Support Kelsey Kozak for the 2025 motionball Marathon Of Sport McMaster University

On January 18, I am participating in an all-day fundraiser called motionball Marathon of Sport. This is an action-packed day where my team and I will play sports alongside Special Olympics athletes from our community. This day helps to bring athletes of all abilities together on the playing field.

This day not only brings awareness to the Special Olympics movement, but allows people with and without intellectual disabilities to interact, build lifelong friendships, and ultimately create more inclusive communities. The highlight of this event each year is having the opportunity to compete alongside local Special Olympics athletes like Peter.

Peter first became involved with motionball’s Marathon of Sport 10 years ago, and since then has participated in countless motionball events. This year we're so excited to have Peter take on the role of motionball's Honorary Athlete Ambassador. Hear from Peter about what being part of motionball means to him:

“motionball has given me the chance to be confident and grow as an adult with an intellectual disability. The best part of motionball is meeting new friends that make me feel special and included. Inclusion is what makes the lives of people like me better, because when you are included you feel like you are part a team.!”

We have a $1,000 fundraising target and with your help, we can reach our fundraising goal and make a difference in creating a more inclusive Canada! Please consider supporting our Team by making a donation directly to our fundraising page.

Every donation makes a difference.

To learn more about motionball for Special Olympics, please visit them at

Thank you very much for your support,


**All donations over $20 are eligible for an official tax receipt.

Fundraising Totals

I have raised $125 out of my goal of $150


My team has raised $730 out of our goal of $1,000


My Wall Of Awesome

  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous  $50
  • Anonymous

Event Leaderboard

1 Daniel Strauss Motionball Menaces $1,500
2 Hilda Chan Mcmotion $450
3 Jordan Dubyk Committee & Volunteers $435
4 Jane Mistry Mac Attack Women’s Hockey $352
5 Meredith Buccioni Committee & Volunteers $350
6 Clare Noseworthy The Kincredibles $300
7 Briana Smith Just a chill team $275
8 Abbey Bellefeuille Committee & Volunteers $250
9 Sarah Watson Motionballers $250
10 Kyle Carreiro McMonke $240
motionball for Special Olympics is sponsored nationally by